Friday, August 19, 2011

A Pirate's Life for Me: Cardboard Box Pirate Ship

We probably wouldn't enter our pirate ship in any cardboard box challenges (people make some serious stuff), but it was a fun way to spend a morning.  By mid-day it had been in several unfortunate collisions -- with a deserted island, with a police boat, and with numerous "wild animals."  But in the beginning it had two masts (cut from the top flaps), grocery shopping bag sails, several iguana passengers, and a cardinal serving duty as our pirate parrot.  And we even had green eye patches!  Well Cami had hers for a few seconds, she didn't love it.  We have since sent our poor ship to a watery grave, but we've got our eyes peeled for new large boxes coming in the mail!  Guess mom needs to keep shopping.

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