Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Giving In: Makeup for Cam

My requests for accessories and all things sparkly have really kicked into high gear lately. I have been repeatedly denied makeup, but after accompanying mom and Kane on two doctor's visits this week (one for Kane's 4-year checkup where I witnessed his champion balks at the hearing and eyesight tests, saw firsthand what it looks like when a 4-year old in the 90th percentile for height and weight is administered four shots (not pretty) and where I was sneak-attacked with the flu mist.  one where we all went to mom's doctor for her acute sinusitis and double ear infections), as we sat for 40 minutes waiting for prescriptions, mom gave in. In case you're not in the know, the glittery lip gloss must be reapplied every 3 seconds. Kane has also decided that "after giving it a chance," he now "likes purple" and, thus, is sharing my purple eyeshadow.

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