Monday, February 27, 2017
Multimedia Collage on Cardboard Art Project
This winter has seemed like a total time warp for some reason. And I just realized that I haven't done much from my book, Banish Boredom: Activities to Do with Kids That You'll Actually Enjoy, lately! One of my most favorite projects in the book is multimedia collage on cardboard. Collage is such an awesome open-ended art project for kids of all ages, so it's one of my go-to projects. I actually did this version at one of our book events last summer at Little Loft. In case you missed out on any of our maker workshops last summer, I've got one coming up April 9th at DC's Tenley-Friendship Library -- mark your calendars!
Friday, February 24, 2017
The Friday Five!!
I'm not exactly sure what it was about this week that made it feel so nuts. I actually wrapped up a bunch of freelance work and was planning to spend some real time on this space. But instead I think I just did the 8,349 loads of laundry I'd let pile up? Who knows. In between trying to match up the gazillion pairs of unmatched socks in our house, we also ....
Cooking -- this Slow Cooker Brisket is insanely easy and SO flavorful.
Wanting -- we went to the member preview of Yayoi Kusama: Infinity Mirors at the Hirshhorn on Wednesday night and I WANT TO GO BACK NOW. It was so crowded that we didn't get to see all of the installations. And you only get a little bit of time even once you're in there. I think I'll go one more time by myself to figure out a game plan to take the kids.
Making -- our beloved family dog died a few years ago and I just haven't been able to bring myself around to the idea of getting another dog. I kept worrying that he'd think we were replacing him. Or forgetting about him. But the kids have been all over me about it and I think I'm finally there. Cam spent most of her after school time this week taking her dogs, Cupcake and Sprinkles, for a walk on the leashes she knit. Then feeding them and giving them water in the bowls she made for them. She's been working on sewing them pillows to sleep on now. She's going to be an excellent big dog sister!
Playing -- I'm sure Kane would take issue with my characterization of this as "playing," but he won third place in a local wrestling tournament last weekend and is headed to regionals this weekend! So there's been a lot of reviewing wrestling videos and what sounds like body slams going on in his room. I don't care whether he wins or loses--he has come so far with working through a very physically and mentally difficult sport!
Reading -- we just finished up the second Masterminds book and it was even better than the first. The kids are in a war over who gets to pick the next audiobook, so stay tuned there. I read Luckiest Girl Alive in a day and a half. It was both unbelievable and terrifyingly realistic. I am really not excited for our kids to go to high school. In a completely different direction, I am finding so many similarities between myself and the main character in Today Will Be Different. Yet also horrified at some of her thoughts and decisions. Both are excellent reads.
Cooking -- this Slow Cooker Brisket is insanely easy and SO flavorful.
Wanting -- we went to the member preview of Yayoi Kusama: Infinity Mirors at the Hirshhorn on Wednesday night and I WANT TO GO BACK NOW. It was so crowded that we didn't get to see all of the installations. And you only get a little bit of time even once you're in there. I think I'll go one more time by myself to figure out a game plan to take the kids.
Making -- our beloved family dog died a few years ago and I just haven't been able to bring myself around to the idea of getting another dog. I kept worrying that he'd think we were replacing him. Or forgetting about him. But the kids have been all over me about it and I think I'm finally there. Cam spent most of her after school time this week taking her dogs, Cupcake and Sprinkles, for a walk on the leashes she knit. Then feeding them and giving them water in the bowls she made for them. She's been working on sewing them pillows to sleep on now. She's going to be an excellent big dog sister!
Playing -- I'm sure Kane would take issue with my characterization of this as "playing," but he won third place in a local wrestling tournament last weekend and is headed to regionals this weekend! So there's been a lot of reviewing wrestling videos and what sounds like body slams going on in his room. I don't care whether he wins or loses--he has come so far with working through a very physically and mentally difficult sport!
Reading -- we just finished up the second Masterminds book and it was even better than the first. The kids are in a war over who gets to pick the next audiobook, so stay tuned there. I read Luckiest Girl Alive in a day and a half. It was both unbelievable and terrifyingly realistic. I am really not excited for our kids to go to high school. In a completely different direction, I am finding so many similarities between myself and the main character in Today Will Be Different. Yet also horrified at some of her thoughts and decisions. Both are excellent reads.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Northern Lights Landscape Art Project
It might have been almost 80 degrees in D.C. tomorrow, but we're still pretending it's winter a wee bit longer with our Northern Lights Landscape Art Project over on the OOLY blog. It's a great project that incorporates science and art together. Go check it out -- it's the most snow we've seen all season!
Friday, February 17, 2017
The Friday Five!!
This week has kind of sucked. So let's just get right to what sucked the least about it.
Reading -- We finished the first Masterminds book and all loved it so much that we started with the second book Masterminds: Criminal Destiny. I'm also almost done with Prep. I mentioned a few Friday Fives ago how much I was enjoying Eligible, so I thought I'd check out one of Sittenfeld's debut novel. The main character is so painfully anxious, self-conscious, and unable to get out of her own head. But I can't stop reading it.
Making -- You might have noticed that Cam is starting to become a prolific maker. She is constantly designing and sewing clothes, toys, games, gifts. Her projects can be involved and often stretch over several days, which means it ends up in kitchen for several days and drives me insane. So I started making her a maker area of her own in her room and she wasted no time putting it to use. We purchased fabric and supplies this week for several projects she picked out in her I Can Make Dolls' Clothes book. She has. not. stopped.
Playing -- The 2017 Great Backyard Bird Count kicks off today and runs through Monday, February 20th. I am not a fan of birds. But the kids convinced me to get a bird feeder this year and we are now all kind of obsessed with it. I'm more focused on outsmarting the squirrels, but the kids love identifying all manner of winged death creatures that show up to eat. SO, I said we could do the Bird Count this year.
Cooking -- I make brinner at least once a week. Usually it's a thrown together omelet of whatever we have in the fridge, but I made this Hashbrown Breakfast Casserole last night and it was delicious.
Wanting -- I started running again a few weeks ago. And between the time off, our never-ending cold, and the crazy weather we've had, I am SLOW. And it's fine. Because slow runners make fast runners look good. You're welcome.
Reading -- We finished the first Masterminds book and all loved it so much that we started with the second book Masterminds: Criminal Destiny. I'm also almost done with Prep. I mentioned a few Friday Fives ago how much I was enjoying Eligible, so I thought I'd check out one of Sittenfeld's debut novel. The main character is so painfully anxious, self-conscious, and unable to get out of her own head. But I can't stop reading it.
Making -- You might have noticed that Cam is starting to become a prolific maker. She is constantly designing and sewing clothes, toys, games, gifts. Her projects can be involved and often stretch over several days, which means it ends up in kitchen for several days and drives me insane. So I started making her a maker area of her own in her room and she wasted no time putting it to use. We purchased fabric and supplies this week for several projects she picked out in her I Can Make Dolls' Clothes book. She has. not. stopped.
Playing -- The 2017 Great Backyard Bird Count kicks off today and runs through Monday, February 20th. I am not a fan of birds. But the kids convinced me to get a bird feeder this year and we are now all kind of obsessed with it. I'm more focused on outsmarting the squirrels, but the kids love identifying all manner of winged death creatures that show up to eat. SO, I said we could do the Bird Count this year.
Cooking -- I make brinner at least once a week. Usually it's a thrown together omelet of whatever we have in the fridge, but I made this Hashbrown Breakfast Casserole last night and it was delicious.
Wanting -- I started running again a few weeks ago. And between the time off, our never-ending cold, and the crazy weather we've had, I am SLOW. And it's fine. Because slow runners make fast runners look good. You're welcome.
Friday Five,
Other Tomfoolery,
The Friday Five
Thursday, February 16, 2017
5 Tips to Tackle Winter Allergies
As soon as the weather starts
to turn cold, our entire family breathes a collective sigh of relief that fall
allergies are on the way out. Then, a few weeks into winter, we all start
developing what I think is the first wave of winter colds. We usually experience
sneezing, runny noses, and watery eyes. But these symptoms just don't go away.
Then I remember. We've been
spending much more time indoors, and we all suffer from winter allergies, too.
Yes, those are a thing! Not only do we have to deal with spring's pollen and
fall's leaves, but we're all somewhat allergic to mold and dust mites. If
you're allergic to pet dander, then spending more time indoors during the
winter can make those allergy symptoms more difficult to manage, too.
Moreover, the furnace
that keeps you all nice and toasty during the winter might also spread all
of those allergens throughout your home. So that means spending lots of time
inside during the winter can cause more than just cabin fever around your
house. But I've got a few tricks up my sleeve for tackling winter allergies.
Use a Dehumidifier
Dehumidifiers help keep the
moisture levels in your home down, which decreases mold growth and prevents
dust mites from thriving. On the flip side, if you're using
a humidifier to help with dry air and winter colds, make sure to
change the filters to prevent mold growth.
Try Homeopathic Remedies
Try some homeopathic remedies
like a warm cup of tea with honey and lemon or a drop of peppermint oil in the
shower. I loathe giving our kids over-the-counter medicines for persistent
problems like allergies, so I always try to use a few homeopathic remedies to help them feel better.
Have Your Ductwork Cleaned
Did you remember to have your
HVAC system serviced before the cold weather hit? Annual maintenance and regular duct cleaning both go a long way toward improving indoor air
quality and decreasing the effects of allergies.
Wash Bedding Frequently
I try to wash our bedding in
hot water at least once a week during the winter season. Don't forget your
kids' stuffed animals either. If your kiddos are anything like mine, they sleep
under a whole pile of them! Wash their stuffed animals in hot water or place
them in a plastic bag and freeze overnight.
Install an Air Purifier
Whole-home air purifiers can
help reduce the spread of mold spores, dust mites, and pet dander. An air purifier alone might not do the trick, but it
can help when combined with other allergen-reducing tactics.
Given the drastic temperature
shifts many of us have had this winter, I'm having a hard time just telling
which end is up. But at the very least, it seems winter isn't done with us yet.
So it's not too late to tackle those winter allergies!
Disclosure: This post is
brought to you by Wood Air Conditioning, Inc.
Thanks for helping to support the sponsors who support us!
Other Tomfoolery,
Monday, February 13, 2017
Staying Active Indoors
Friday, February 10, 2017
The Friday Five!!
Despite the fact that we continue to be plagued by all manner of illnesses, I am determined to stay positive! In fact, I'm ignoring the fact that snow flurries are falling as I write this because it was 70 degrees earlier this week (70 DEGREES!!!). Also, I'm sort of choosing to ignore that we have many, many weeks until spring break. I'm just pretending it's happening imminently. In between all the usual business, here's what else we had going on this week .....
Cooking -- I doubled this Fennel-Crusted Pork Chops with Potatoes and Shallots and the fam still housed almost all of it. It was so easy, but really delicious.
Wanting -- I really need these studded sandals for spring break, right?! RIGHT!? Because I don't want my cover up from last week to be lonely.
Reading -- The kids are still on a spy/crime kick, so we started Masterminds this week. I love that the audiobook is narrated by multiple people, so it feels like you're listening to a play. Cam checked out one of the Babysitters Club books from the library and I'm loving reliving my youth!
Making -- the kids made valentine after valentine after valentine this week. You can see which printable Cam used in our roundup from earlier this week!
Playing -- we got the chance to check out some of the Land of Nod's super fun game this week and the Tic-Tac-Toe and Checkers set (which is on super sale!) was a huge hit. The kids had never played checkers and loved it! Plus the oversized soft set was just fun.
Cooking -- I doubled this Fennel-Crusted Pork Chops with Potatoes and Shallots and the fam still housed almost all of it. It was so easy, but really delicious.
Wanting -- I really need these studded sandals for spring break, right?! RIGHT!? Because I don't want my cover up from last week to be lonely.
Reading -- The kids are still on a spy/crime kick, so we started Masterminds this week. I love that the audiobook is narrated by multiple people, so it feels like you're listening to a play. Cam checked out one of the Babysitters Club books from the library and I'm loving reliving my youth!
Making -- the kids made valentine after valentine after valentine this week. You can see which printable Cam used in our roundup from earlier this week!
Playing -- we got the chance to check out some of the Land of Nod's super fun game this week and the Tic-Tac-Toe and Checkers set (which is on super sale!) was a huge hit. The kids had never played checkers and loved it! Plus the oversized soft set was just fun.
Friday Five,
Other Tomfoolery,
The Friday Five
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Slow Cooker Paleo Jalapeño Popper Chicken Chili
As I mentioned in our last Friday Five, we just finished up our January Whole30 and I feel a gazillion times better than I did coming out of the holidays. So much so that I decided to extend it through February for a Whole60. I did one about a year and a half ago and loved it. And at this point, it's easier for me to keep plowing along.
This month's favorite recipe was definitely Slow Cooker Paleo Jalapeño Popper Chicken Chili. We all loved the spice (just enough to help us keep our sinuses clear without turning off the kiddies) and I liked the mix of chicken and beef. Plus it just could not be easier to make -- you literally just throw it all in the slow cooker and let it go. I made it once with sweet potatoes and the second time with yellow potatoes and both were delicious. Try either!
All recipes below are Whole30 or easily adapted. I tried to note where I made changes, but if I didn't, assume I always sub olive oil for cooking oil and leave out any dairy, legumes, grain, alcohol, or sugar. I often make a super easy vegetable to go with our main dish and I often forget to write that down. But rest assured, we didn't just eat plates of protein for dinner.
Slow Cooker Paleo Jalapeño Popper Chicken Chili
(slightly adapted from Julie Bauer's recipe on SkinnyTaste)
- 1 medium white onion, diced
- 3 cloves minced garlic
- 1 red bell pepper, diced
- 2 jalapeños, seeds removed and diced
- 1 large sweet potato or 3 small gold potatoes, diced
- 1 lb 93% lean ground chicken
- 1 lb 95% lean ground beef
- 2 tsp smoked paprika
- 2 tsp chili powder
- 2 tsp dried oregano
- 2 tsp kosher salt
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
- 1, 14 ounce can petite diced tomatoes
- 1 cup reduced sodium chicken broth
- chopped scallions, for garnish
- sliced avocado, for garnish
Place all ingredients up to scallions and avocado in the slow cooker and cook on low for 8 hours (or high for 6 hours). When done, break up the ground meat with a spoon. Serve garnished with scallions and avocado on top.
* * *
30 Days of Dinner
Day 1 (M) -- Grilled Chilean Beef Skewers with Smokey Chimichurri; spaghetti squash
Day 3 (W) -- Garlic Lover's Crockpot Beef Stew with Olives, Capers, and Tomatoes; mashed potatoes; green beans
Day 4 (Th) -- Brinner: eggs, hash browns, sausage, and salad.
Day 5 (F) -- Paleo Taco Skillet; spaghetti squash (kids had brown rice)
Day 6 (Sat) -- dinner out
Day 7 (Sun) -- dinner out
Day 8 (M) -- Greek Lamb Burgers (I used 1/2 lamb, 1/2 ground beef and left off all dairy and no bun); Brussels Sprouts with Sweet Potatoes
Day 9 (T) -- Slow Cooker Paleo Jalapeño Popper Chicken Chili; salad
Day 10 (W) -- Rosemary Balsamic Sheet Pan Chicken with Bacon and Apples
Day 11 (Th) -- Burgers, green beans, My Favorite Roasted Potatoes
Day 12 (F) -- Cranberry Pot Roast; mashed potatoes; carrots
Day 13 (Sat) -- dinner out
Day 14 (Sun) -- Mediterranean Grilled Chicken Salad; Greek Roasted Potatoes
Day 15 (M) -- Grilled Flank Steak with Cilantro Chimichurri
Day 16 (T) -- Chicken Skillet with Sweet Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, and Sautéed Apples
Day 17 (W) -- leftovers/brinner
Day 18 (Th) -- Slow Cooker Paleo Turkey Meatballs; Zoodles (and noodles for kids)
Day 19 (F) -- Roast Chicken with Kimchi Smashed Potatoes; green beans
Day 20 (Sat) -- Weeknight Porchetta; brussels sprouts
Day 21 (Sun) -- Paleo Beef Barbacoa (everyone LOVED this and I doubled it so that I got a ton of leftovers from it); cauliflower rice (brown rice for kiddos)
Day 22 (M) -- Lamb Sliders; Paleo Broccoli Salad with Bacon (I am kind of obsessed with this salad, but the second time I made it, I ate half of the bowl. So I might need to lay off that one for a while!)
Day 23 (T) -- Brinner: eggs, Breakfast Potatoes, sausage, and fruit (kids also had pancakes)
Day 24 (W) -- Charred Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and Oranges (this was a BIG family fav! I used boneless, skinless chicken breasts and it was still incredibly juicy)
Day 25 (Th) -- Paleo Taco Salad
Day 26 (F) -- Slow Cooker Fajita Salsa Chicken; cauliflower rice (kids had brown rice)
Day 27 (Sat) -- dinner out
Day 28 (Sun) -- Grilled Steak Salad with Beets and Scallions (I used cooked beets in this and it was yummy); green beans; kids also had pasta
Day 29 (M) -- Paleo Roasted Chicken with Figs and Olives; potatoes; salad
Day 30 (T) -- Crock Pot Picadillo; we had ours over spaghetti squash; kids had brown rice and corn
Monday, February 6, 2017
Fave DIY Valentines Printables
We spent a significant portion of our the kids' free time this weekend working on valentines. Our school asks that the kids make the valentines themselves or at least add a custom touch to each. And they have to be candy and food free. I am 100% behind both ideas! (Although, don't get me wrong, I would be just as fine with store bought directives). Cam was in charge this year and decided that they would make a personalized bracelet for each classmate along with a little card (we used the You're a Real Gem printable below!). Kane was all for that until the beads showed up and then he decided he didn't want to make the bracelets (of course!). Cam offered to make all of them, but Kane ended up hand making each a card instead and then adding a positive message rubber band bracelet. In case you're about to embark on the valentine journey yourself, I rounded up my fave DIY valentines printables—all are easy to do at home, candy free, and Amazon-accessory ready. Gotta love the love!
Free Printable,
Valentin's Day,
Friday, February 3, 2017
The Friday Five!!
As I mentioned yesterday, I feel like D.C. (and, really, the world if not at least the entire country) is heading to hell in a hand basket. BUT despite the continuing downward spiral, I feel like we crossed several milestones this week that actually have me feeling good (at least for a little bit). Kane started really reading independently ("in his own head," as he says). He's certainly been capable of doing this for a while, but just hadn't. Now its like he can't stop and I LOVE IT! We also finished our Whole30 and I feel so good about it that I decided to extend it to a Whole60. And I finally see a positive change in the cough none of us have been able to shake. So, I'm taking the good where I can get it.
Making -- Did you catch our Fancy Paper Crowns post this week!? Would be super fun for Valentine's Day!
Eating -- Everyone loved this Paleo Roasted Chicken with Figs and Olives. Deeeeelish.
Playing -- Cam pulled out the Roominate kit we bought her last year and has been playing with it every spare second this week. She was able to figure out the electronic parts herself this time around and has been making all kinds of accessories to go with it out of paper too. Worth it!
Reading -- We're still working our way through The Inquisitors Tale and Loot from last week. I came across a few recipes from The New Yiddish Kitchen on the interwebs (including the chicken recipe above) and bought the cookbook immediately. Everything looks amazing and I can't wait to dig in. And I started Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life this week too and it's so hard to put down!
Wanting -- I'm dreaming of our upcoming spring break vacaye and starting to stock up on beachwear. Loving this poncho.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Valentine's Day Sparkling Fruit Punch
The rest of D.C. appears to be going to hell in a hand basket, but love is still in the air over at Chez Green. The kids are drawing up DIY valentines, writing cards to each other, and Cam voluntarily donned hot pink (gasp!) for our Sparkling Fruit Punch post. Head over to Honest to Nod for the sweet (but not sugary!) details on this holiday drink.
Kiddie Mocktail,
The Land of Nod,
Valentine's Day
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