
Friday, February 10, 2017

The Friday Five!!

Despite the fact that we continue to be plagued by all manner of illnesses, I am determined to stay positive! In fact, I'm ignoring the fact that snow flurries are falling as I write this because it was 70 degrees earlier this week (70 DEGREES!!!). Also, I'm sort of choosing to ignore that we have many, many weeks until spring break. I'm just pretending it's happening imminently. In between all the usual business, here's what else we had going on this week .....

Cooking -- I doubled this Fennel-Crusted Pork Chops with Potatoes and Shallots and the fam still housed almost all of it. It was so easy, but really delicious.

Wanting -- I really need these studded sandals for spring break, right?! RIGHT!? Because I don't want my cover up from last week to be lonely.

Reading -- The kids are still on a spy/crime kick, so we started Masterminds this week. I love that the audiobook is narrated by multiple people, so it feels like you're listening to a play. Cam checked out one of the Babysitters Club books from the library and I'm loving reliving my youth!

Making -- the kids made valentine after valentine after valentine this week. You can see which printable Cam used in our roundup from earlier this week!

Playing -- we got the chance to check out some of the Land of Nod's super fun game this week and the Tic-Tac-Toe and Checkers set (which is on super sale!) was a huge hit. The kids had never played checkers and loved it! Plus the oversized soft set was just fun.

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