
Friday, October 14, 2016

The Friday Five!

Oh hey, Friday. You showed up awfully quickly this week! I guess that's what happens after a three-day-weekend. I feel like we're starting to settle into our school year routine finally. Homework is getting done, after school activities planned out, everyone is going to sleep at a great time. Don't get me wrong, it still takes all of us 23 minutes to get socks and shoes on in the morning. But, overall, we're in the groove. Here's how we spent our short week!

Reading -- I read Hurt People on our trip to Chicago last weekend. It's upsetting in that "something bad is definitely going to happen to these kids" kind of way, but that's also why I couldn't put it down.   We started a great book about a girl detective this week too. The Great Shelby Holmes is smart, funny and a clever modernization of the classic characters. Both kiddos are loving it.

Playing -- Kane has several math games as part of his homework and Cam has been feeling a little left out. She often joins in, but has been asking me to play games just with her too. Enchanted Forest was one of my most favorite games when I was young so I love that she loves it too -- and she has a killer memory!

Making --  did you miss our Mindfulness Jars yesterday? We're big fans of the project and result!

Cooking -- this Massaged Kale Salad is a family fave, but I had to adjust a bit for the season this week. I traded in cherry tomatoes for the cherries and added goat cheese too. It was still tasty (although the cherries make it SO nice).

Wanting -- my feet are always cold and now that the weather has started to turn, I find myself in serious need of a new pair of slippers. These are not at all practical, and they are obnoxiously expensive, but they would make me so happy.

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