We eventually made our way across the street into the Museum, but we spent a total of only 26 minutes inside (good thing it's free). It was really hard for me to keep my hands off of the sculptures inside (many of which don't have a clear line indicating that it is not something to be touched -- the sculptures in the Garden do) - I actually touched only one and set off one other alarm. But mom figured that was enough. I also liked Picasso's "Woman With Baby Carriage" (I was able to make out the "baby," but I pointed to the "woman" and said "eh?") and the room with Alexander Calder's mobiles. We had some bonus time to run across to the National Air and Space Museum for a quick flight.
We are also really excited to check out the upcoming exhibit: "Suprasensorial: Experiments in Light, Color, and Space." Mom spoke to one of the Museum docents about it and it sounds like an interactive, "very tactile" exhibition -- it opens February 23rd and looks super cool for kids. I think that will be a two chaperone trip for us, though. And keep your eyes peeled for the next Hirshhorn After Hours -- plan on getting a babysitter and venturing down sans kiddos for drinks, dancing and some "late night" art viewing -- the website doesn't yet list the next event, but mom and dad are watching!
My first date with my husband was at the Sculpture Garden! Can't wait until I can take my own little there. Looks like you guys had fun--I'm glad!