
Monday, October 3, 2011

Let's Stick Together: Pirate Foam Stickers and FREE Coloring Pages

Whew!  What a doozy of a last week we've had.  It all started when I brought home a little 24-hour bug last weekend -- I didn't feel great, but I basically got to lay around and watch "my shows" for a day.  Then I was fine.  Mom, not so much.  She got whalloped -- acute sinusitis and pharyngitis (aka a nasty sinus infection and strep throat).  After a 2+ day migraine, she finally hauled herself into the emergency room at 3 a.m. Tuesday morning.  By herself.  In a cab.  Where she waited for 4 hours to see a "doctor" and then a medical student tried to refuse to give her any pain medicine because he "didn't really think" she was having a "real migraine."  Why?  Because this "headache" was different than her other migraines.  No BLEEP.  That's why she was at the emergency room.  Fortunately for him, she was heavily handicapped by her pain and he got what was likely a much more mild version of mommy's "now you listen to me, kid" rants.  Luckily the nurse intervened and mommy got hooked up with some IV drugs and fluid.  A few days of antibiotics and she's finally feeling better to suck it up and be our scribe again.  So what do I do?  Well I start puking all night long Thursday night.  Thank goodness Nona and D-Rock were in town to deal with me so mommy could get some much needed rest.  We are finally all on the mend.  For this week at least.

Now on to the more important things - PIRATES.  We've decided to stretch this pirate kick on out -- in anticipation of my big pirate birthday party next weekend.  At one of mom's recent duty days at my co-op preschool, we brought pirate coloring pages and pirate foam stickers to make some sweet buccaneer scenes.  We found some awesome FREE coloring pages on Disney's Family Fun page and printed out a bunch to bring to school.  Then we dug out our pirate foam stickers, which we've used before in our pirate dino prints, and used those to decorate the pirate ship.  Mom was a little worried about the stickers -- the backing isn't that easy to get off.  But that proved to be a good use of time and lots of little fingers.  And because the letter "A" is one of the letters we are learning this month, we talked about all of the different pirate words that start with the letter "A": Argggg! (duh) Ahoy! Anchors Away! Avast!  It was super fun, even though it was a pretty simple craft.

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