
Thursday, October 6, 2011

I Know Jonah: Jonah's Treehouse

There are not really many gyms for little kids actually located in D.C. and the time it takes to schlep all the way out to the 'burbs for them sort of defeats the purpose of giving us some time to run around.  So we heart Jonah's Treehouse, located in Georgetown.  It's big, it's clean, and it has some natural light.  Kane and my schedules have never worked out to let us take a joint class anywhere (and actually JT's doesn't offer any), but now that Kane is in school, I'm able to take a class on my own!  We recently joined one of the Zebra classes and I love it.  Each time we go, I work up the courage to venture a little further away from mommy.  My favorites are the ball pit, the slides, and the kiddie elliptical that I turned into a swing (it seems kind of wrong that they even make a kiddie elliptical in the first place, no?).  JT's has open play weekend mornings and they frequently stay open for longer periods when there is particularly yucky weather on a weekend.  And its is just down the street from the best Whole Foods in town, close to a Starbucks, and one of our favorite parks -- Guy Mason.  We went to WF afterwards for lunch and I was so hungry from all that tumbling that I picked out, peeled, and ate 1/2 an avocado right there in my cart.

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