
Monday, February 20, 2012

You're a Grand Old Flag: GW's Birthday at Mount Vernon

As a result of our frequent trips to Mount Vernon and my penchant for obsessing over random subject matters, I have become quite enthralled with George Washington and, more lately, with his younger sister Betty.  I also recently busted out with the entire song of "You're a Grand Old Flag" during a late afternoon parade through our house, which song I picked up at school (although mom can't quite imagine in what context) and unbeknownst to all of us actually has some relation to GW.  So you can imagine my excitement when KidFriendly DC posted about the President's Day celebration at Mount Vernon this past weekend.  Mom and dad were psyched about the "Top Chef" style hoecake cook-off and I was jumping out of my skin at the prospect of meeting the real George Washington (who I understand is really no longer around, but I liked to insist that both GW and his sister Betty were going to be there for the b-day celebration).

We got there early and met Georgie right off the bat.  I could barely speak, which is really saying something.  Mom asked if George would pose for a pic, to which he replied, "Mam, not even my wife calls me George."  You imagine the list of responses running through mommy's head (so could dad -- he glanced nervously between George and mom), but she just smiled and told him we were really looking for his younger sister.  After George informed us B-dog was in Fredericksburg and had walked away, I matter-of-factly said, "I guess it's a good thing he's not dead."

While daddy and Cami stayed at the hoecake cook-off for a while, mom and I toured the mansion again.  Now an old pro, I immediately asked the docent upstairs "what was missing" from the third bedroom and pointed out that the crib "wasn't for Betty."  But I think mom's favorite of the day was, upon hearing again about George's unfortunate decline (he basically suffocated), I asked mommy "did he not drink enough coffee?"  I just know what happens to mom when she doesn't get her Starbucks and I imagine George experienced something similar.

All in all, the hoecakes were delish, the sun was shining, and we had a blast.  Happy President's Day!

George was a tall dude.

I will give you the double stink-eye, sir.



  1. Move down here already. Geesh!
    xo Herbin

  2. Herbs, there is literally nothing that could make us move to Virginia. Not even sweet Ben. But you should come next to e we go looking for George!

  3. Just catching up on your blog and saw this. We visited Mount Vernon over Prez Day wknd, too, but went on Monday when it was free and VERY crowded. It was fun, but I wish we'd gone Sat or Sun when the lines were shorter and the hoecake cook-off was underway. Sounds like you guys had a great time!
    - Linda (kfdc)
