
Monday, February 6, 2012

Starlight in the Sculpture Garden: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

Mom and I have one day a week where it's just the two of us.  We like to do girly things (shopping, nails, lunch), things that are difficult for mom to do with both of us (there are lots of those), or things that will give me a chance to get out of that stroller and explore.  Last week we spent that day exploring the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, which fit the bill for 2 out of the 3 categories listed above.  After dropping Kane off at school, we headed downtown and arrived just in time for the 9:30 a.m. open parking time around the Mall.  We spent about 45 minutes in the Sculpture Garden first -- it was chilly, but the sun was really bright and I loved exploring the different ways the sun hit the sculptures.  By far my favorite was Dan Graham's "For Gordon Bunshaft" -- an interactive, two-way mirror sculpture that was doing some really cool things in the sunlight.

We eventually made our way across the street into the Museum, but we spent a total of only 26 minutes inside (good thing it's free).  It was really hard for me to keep my hands off of the sculptures inside (many of which don't have a clear line indicating that it is not something to be touched -- the sculptures in the Garden do) - I actually touched only one and set off one other alarm.  But mom figured that was enough.  I also liked Picasso's "Woman With Baby Carriage" (I was able to make out the "baby," but I pointed to the "woman" and said "eh?") and the room with Alexander Calder's mobiles.  We had some bonus time to run across to the National Air and Space Museum for a quick flight.

We are also really excited to check out the upcoming exhibit: "Suprasensorial: Experiments in Light, Color, and Space."  Mom spoke to one of the Museum docents about it and it sounds like an interactive, "very tactile" exhibition -- it opens February 23rd and looks super cool for kids.  I think that will be a two chaperone trip for us, though.  And keep your eyes peeled for the next Hirshhorn After Hours -- plan on getting a babysitter and venturing down sans kiddos for drinks, dancing and some "late night" art viewing -- the website doesn't yet list the next event, but mom and dad are watching!

1 comment:

  1. My first date with my husband was at the Sculpture Garden! Can't wait until I can take my own little there. Looks like you guys had fun--I'm glad!
