
Friday, July 7, 2017

The Friday Five!!

We're back in town for a little bit and are wishing we were still at the beach! This whole week has been hot, humid, and rainy in D.C. Ugh. We're making the best of it and doing lots of lounging around, reading, playing games, etc. Here's what we got into ....

Playing -- Kane pulled Longhorn back out this week and they can't stop playing it.

Reading -- we started Because of Winn-Dixie this week and have been cracking up over how much the doggie reminds us of Penny (who completely and totally smiles just like Winn-Dixie). I also started The Long, Hot Summer after starting two or three other books -- still searching for an easy but good summer read for the beach!

Making -- all this rain is no problem with OOLY's gel crayons -- Cam has been drawing all over our windows (which I allow because she then cleans the whole window when she's done!!).

Cooking -- I'm still not 100% sold on the Plated service yet. I decided to bump us up to four full portions because the kids actually eat a full serving, so I don't how cost-effective it is. But the printed instructions with photos and easy steps mean the kids have been able to help cook easily. Either way, everyone loved this Grilled Chicken Souvlaki dish!

Wanting -- our backyard is teeny tiny and mostly taken up by an unnecessary garage. We're thinking about leveling and patio'ing it. I'd like an outdoor kitchen, an eating space, and a bar. Unlikely, but a girl can dream.

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