
Friday, June 16, 2017

The Friday Five!!

We have had such a glorious low-key first week of summer break. We didn't venture much past the house other than to do some errands, take Penny on a big hike each day together, and go to swim team practice. We spent a lot of time unpacking (physically, emotionally, mentally) from the great school year and a lot of time prepping for summertime activities. It was my birthday on Wednesday and we had a super fun time at the Nat's game. We're gearing up for Father's Day this weekend too. Here are some of the week's highlights ....

Making -- the kids were so excited to have downtime at home that they've pooled all of their LEGOs together (that should backfire spectacularly at some point) and have been designing their own building sets. They always beg for specific sets, but the Classic Creative Brick Box gives them the most play every time.

Reading -- we took one of my childhood favorites, Charlotte's Web, everywhere with us this week. Still so good! We also started From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler in the car and we are all dying over the sibling squabbling. I can't even imagine that Kane and Cami could agree how to  run away enough to get beyond our front porch. Another great book that holds up over time!

Cooking -- this Skillet Pizza Chicken won over everyone this week. I used boneless skinless chicken breasts and it was still delicious.

Wanting -- I have zero need for this cooler bar cart, but I want it. It' like summer on wheels.

Playing -- we played round after round of Pyramix this week -- Cam was beside herself because she won almost every time (which happens rarely for the youngest of a family).

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