
Friday, April 7, 2017

The Friday Five!!

I'm not going to lie, it's been a rough week transitioning back to reality. It has been nice to get back on a schedule though, and everyone seems recharged to push through to the end of the school year. Here's what we did with our week back ....

Reading -- We started a new series this week and it's hysterical. Granted, we started with the second book in the series, The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle, but we had no problem jumping in. I'd also stocked up on beach reads that I never actually got around to reading on vacation, so I'm reading My Not So Perfect Life.

Cooking -- did you catch our 30 Days of Dinner from earlier in the week? Pretty lean on new recipes, BUT those Grilled Chicken "Tacos" are amazing.

Playing -- my MIL got Kane the Dr. Eureka Speed Logic game a bit ago and it's become one of our family favorites.

Making -- Cam was so happy to get back to her full range of maker supplies. She learned how to make paper hinges at school this week, so she's been whipping up a bunch of "travel artwork" that pops up on hinges for everyone. Thankfully she's been hitting up this set of 30 rolls of tape she begged me for a while back to frame them.

Wanting -- our beloved family dog, Vegas, died almost three years ago. And I just haven't been able to emotionally handle getting a new dog. But I think we are just about there and have started looking to adopt a new furry family member. Fingers crossed we can provide a forever home to one soon!

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