
Friday, February 17, 2017

The Friday Five!!

This week has kind of sucked. So let's just get right to what sucked the least about it.

Reading -- We finished the first Masterminds book and all loved it so much that we started with the second book Masterminds: Criminal Destiny. I'm also almost done with Prep. I mentioned a few Friday Fives ago how much I was enjoying Eligible, so I thought I'd check out one of Sittenfeld's debut novel. The main character is so painfully anxious, self-conscious, and unable to get out of her own head. But I can't stop reading it.

Making -- You might have noticed that Cam is starting to become a prolific maker. She is constantly designing and sewing clothes, toys, games, gifts. Her projects can be involved and often stretch over several days, which means it ends up in kitchen for several days and drives me insane. So I started making her a maker area of her own in her room and she wasted no time putting it to use. We purchased fabric and supplies this week for several projects she picked out in her I Can Make Dolls' Clothes book. She has. not. stopped.

Playing -- The 2017 Great Backyard Bird Count kicks off today and runs through Monday, February 20th. I am not a fan of birds. But the kids convinced me to get a bird feeder this year and we are now all kind of obsessed with it. I'm more focused on outsmarting the squirrels, but the kids love identifying all manner of winged death creatures that show up to eat. SO, I said we could do the Bird Count this year.

Cooking -- I make brinner at least once a week. Usually it's a thrown together omelet of whatever we have in the fridge, but I made this Hashbrown Breakfast Casserole last night and it was delicious.

Wanting -- I started running again a few weeks ago. And between the time off, our never-ending cold, and the crazy weather we've had, I am SLOW. And it's fine. Because slow runners make fast runners look good. You're welcome. 

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