
Friday, February 3, 2017

The Friday Five!!

As I mentioned yesterday, I feel like D.C. (and, really, the world if not at least the entire country) is heading to hell in a hand basket. BUT despite the continuing downward spiral, I feel like we crossed several milestones this week that actually have me feeling good (at least for a little bit). Kane started really reading independently ("in his own head," as he says). He's certainly been capable of doing this for a while, but just hadn't. Now its like he can't stop and I LOVE IT! We also finished our Whole30 and I feel so good about it that I decided to extend it to a Whole60. And I finally see a positive change in the cough none of us have been able to shake. So, I'm taking the good where I can get it.

Making -- Did you catch our Fancy Paper Crowns post this week!? Would be super fun for Valentine's Day! 

Eating -- Everyone loved this Paleo Roasted Chicken with Figs and Olives. Deeeeelish. 

Playing -- Cam pulled out the Roominate kit we bought her last year and has been playing with it every spare second this week. She was able to figure out the electronic parts herself this time around and has been making all kinds of accessories to go with it out of paper too. Worth it! 

Reading -- We're still working our way through The Inquisitors Tale and Loot from last week. I came across a few recipes from The New Yiddish Kitchen on the interwebs (including the chicken recipe above) and bought the cookbook immediately. Everything looks amazing and I can't wait to dig in. And I started Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life this week too and it's so hard to put down! 

Wanting -- I'm dreaming of our upcoming spring break vacaye and starting to stock up on beachwear. Loving this poncho

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