
Friday, January 13, 2017

The Friday Five!!

Despite the fact that we just started school back up after a 2 1/2 week winter break, our kids have today, next Monday, and next Friday off too. So this week I've been cramming everything in so that I can actually do some fun things with them. They've both barely scratched their holiday present piles, so we've been getting in to some things this week and anticipating the long weekend to really get into it. Here's what we've been up to ....

Wanting -- I had to fight tooth and nail for every piece of gold and brass furniture and fixture in our house, so there is likely no way that I'm getting these. But, I mean!!!

Cooking -- Everyone LOVED this Slow Cooker Paleo JalapeƱo Popper chili -- I followed the directions to leave out the red pepper flakes and I wish I didn't. It was still great, but I could've used a little more heat. 

Making -- did you catch our DIY Rainbow Lip Gloss post yesterday? We're kind of obsessed with it. It's so easy, but super fun -- it would be a great activity for a playdate or birthday party. 

Reading -- I started I Let You Go a while ago but somehow moved on to other books without really getting into it. So I started again this week. And we started Loot for our commute audiobook, which I thought Cami would love and Kane reluctantly agreed to after seeing Rick Riordan's praise for it. 

Playing -- we bought Kane Pyramix for one of his Hanukkah presents. Strategy AND hieroglyphics? It's pretty much perfect for him. Plus the games are quick (much quicker than his 45-minute math homework games have been -- he's only supposed to play them for 15 minutes, but I can't show you a Green out there who will give up on a game before it's done). 

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