I am getting this week's Friday Five in just under the wire. It's been an insanely busy week, but I am really looking forward to some fam time this weekend. Here's the sweet and short lowdown on everything we've been up to in between the doctor's visits, playdates, homework, parent teacher conferences, dentist checkups, and freelance work.
Making -- DIY Halloween decorating has continued, but Cam also busted out some of the Little Loving Hands kits we'd been trying to get to. Art and giving back = happiness!
Reading -- this week we spent a lot of our "reading time" listening to stories. Last weekend I spent 2, 6-hour stints solo driving to upstate New York and back. And that meant I got to listen to 12 hours of This American Life and cycle through all kinds of emotions by my lonesome. I continued my binge this week and finally introduced the kids to podcasts as well -- they LOVED them. Their favorite this week was the science-centric Brains On! I think we'll loop them into our normal car audiobook routine and continue sharing our good finds here.
Cooking -- I have a tendency to be on the constant search for new amazing recipes and forget about meals we were all gaga over. I dug out the Shawarma-Spiced Chicken Pita with Tahini-Yogurt Sauce this week and we all fell in love all over again.
Wanting -- this sweatshirt just seems to appropriate for this week, but something tells me that my face read similarly, so this might be overkill.
Playing -- a few years ago we did a review and giveaway of local toymaker Thinkfun's Rush Hour, Jr. The kids have continued to love it and we recently invested in the next level of Rush Hour -- a great logic game!
We LOVE Brains On! It's the best. We've been listening to it every day on the rides to and from school. Thankfully, there are lots of episodes stacked up to enjoy!