
Friday, August 26, 2016

The Friday Five!

Ooof. It's been a rough week back from vacaye. We're in the weird end-of-summer where many other kids are back in school, but our guys still have another week and change off. We are craving a schedule, but our house is under construction. And frankly we could all use some time away from each other. But we're doing our best to remember that soon the kids will be in school and we'll all miss each other and the carefree days of the season. On that note, here's what's what this week.

Reading -- a few weeks the Cozy Reader Club asked whether I'd like to give their subscription a try for a month. The club is a clever service that delivers a curated box with a book, a new coffee or tea, and a handmade gift—all designed to help you give yourself a little "me time." Part of my problem in reading is that I get hung up picking out new books, so I really liked the idea of someone picking for me! This month's pick is Truly Madly Guilty and it arrived yesterday with a cute tin of ice tea pods, some sweet snacks, and a pretty handmade scarf. I can't wait to dig in and I love the idea of gifting the box to a new mama or friend!

Making -- Cam has been art and crafting up a STORM this week. She seems so happy to be back with full access to supplies after being on vacation so long. She seems especially glad to be able to paint again and has come up with project after project on her own with our fave liquid watercolors (the most brilliant colors and they last forever). I love seeing what she dreams up—"shaving cream painting" was probably my favorite from this week in which she basically painted on top of a container of shaving cream and shouted "beautiful!" over and over again.

Cooking -- if Cam is happy to have her art supplies back, I'm over the moon about having access to a kitchen and grill again. I love the vacation from cooking, but I miss making healthy meals for everyone. This Grilled Potato, Lemon + Zucchini with Romesco was one of my faves this week.

Wanting -- I've been back to school shopping for the kids which has been wanting to fall shop for myself. My fave grey booties are on their last leg, so I've got my eye on these (love the little flash of metallic!)

Playing -- in addition to the art closet access, both kids have just been happy to putter around the neighborhood playing all manner of pretend games this week. Cam declared herself a barista the other morning and set up a "coffee cart" on the front porch with water and our all purpose rainbow glasses (we have a set of each color way). You can see we've reached the point of summer where I direct: just go outside!

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