
Friday, August 19, 2016

The Friday Five!

We are still on vacation (having a fabulous time exploring Scotland + Ireland), so I'll keep this Friday Five short.

Reading -- our late nights out on this trip means we haven't had tons of time to read before bed. But the kids have been happy to go to sleep with an audiobook on and Philippa Fisher and the Fairy Godsister has done the trick every night.

Cooking -- I have cooked nothing, but have eaten (and imbibed) plenty (SUCH a cleanse is needed when we get home!). We've eaten all sorts of delicious things, but I think last night's Dublin dinner at The Pig's Ear might have been my fave. The Tartare of Irish Beef Brisket, Picked Onion + Seeds, Smoked Cheddar.

Making -- we haven't done a whole lot of crafting on the road, but we made some cool origami on our visit to the Scottish Museum of Modern Art. So I think I'll pick this up for the kids to try out when we get back!

Wanting -- I blew out my hairdryer in Scotland, so now I need to replace my fave! I've had to dry my hair and then braid both sides into a low bun the entire vacation to deal with the weather over here.

Playing -- the kids have been working their way through all the Travel Games + Activities I brought and I've been very happy with my choices. BUT their Nonna also brought along one of these pinball arcades for each of them and they've been obsessed. They've also been loving this Cranium Brain Breaks Game, which has kept them busy while we've planned and prepped during vacaye.

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