
Friday, May 20, 2016

The Friday Five!

The Friday Five is back! Joel and I took a trip to NYC last weekend for our 10 year anniversary (TEN!). It was a (mostly) surprise trip full of all kinds of fabulousness and I've spent most of this week trying to convince myself that we don't need to move to New York. I go through this exercise every few years and I always come back around to D.C. But, there's just nowhere like New York. Anywhooooo, besides work and catching up on laundry and all other domestic non-fabulousness this week, this is what we did.

*Amazon links are affiliate links.

Reading -- we finally made it back to the library to load up on books, including this super funny audiobook from Dave Barry. We're still searching for that sweet reading spot for Kane -- where the book stretches him a bit, but is something he still finds interesting. This funny graphic novel series seems to be doing the trick. Plus, he loves history.

Playing -- maybe it's because of our reading choices this week, but the kids have been obsessed with playing spy. They pooled their allowance money to load up on spy gear.

Making -- it's all spy, all the time. The kiddos have been cutting sheet after sheet from our kraft paper roll to make all kinds of disguised entries to their spy fort.

Cooking -- last night I made some kimchi burgers from Clean Eating Magazine and the kids DEVOURED them. I should've doubled the recipe because they both ate at least two servings and there weren't any left for Joel! This isn't the same recipe (the Clean Eating one isn't online yet), but it looks pretty similar. We left off the buns, of course.

Wanting -- I have a sweet tooth, but I almost always go for chocolate. Nevertheless, we stopped in Swedish sweet shop Sockerbit last weekend and I can't stop thinking about the black licorice.

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