
Friday, April 8, 2016

The Friday Five!

Oy this week. I am both so happy that it's Friday and wishing I had just one more day with the kids in school to actually get some ish done. Spring sports season kicks into high gear this weekend, so bye bye weekend mornings in bed (and by that I mean sleeping in until 7.15). Oh well, it was good the 3 weekends it lasted. Here's what else we've been up to whilst not sleeping in.

Making -- We've been keeping it pretty low key with the making this week, but the kids have both been really into making collages on cardboard. Probably because it involves getting everything out of the craft cupboard and spreading copious amounts of glue everywhere, but they've been cleaning it up!

Reading -- A good friend and lawyer coach of mine is getting set to launch her first book. I got an early copy to screen, and even though I'm not in biglaw right now, I think this is a fabulous read for any lawyer about the new age of business development. If you are at all interested, it will be free on Amazon on April 14th, so you should head over to her site and sign up to track the release! The kids and I also finally cracked the young readers' adaptation of The Boys in the Boat, which my mom bought Kane for Christmas this year. Promising with the start of spring sports!!

Playing -- My MIL picked up this Cinderella UNO game for Cam and it has been a huge hit with the kids. I find it about a gazillion times more difficult to remember the rules than regular UNO, but that could just be my general dislike of Disney getting in the way. Whatever gets them doing the math, right?

Cooking -- My Whole30 was a hot mess this week. I'm just trying to keep it as clean as I can and start back at Day 1 next week. Ugh. But these tacos were freaking delicious (even sans tortillas).

Wanting -- I stopped by our local Kit + Ace this week to brainstorm with the fabulous Shop Director Beth Silverberg about a super fun maker workshop this summer in advance of my book launch. While I was there I had the chance to swoon over the luxurious clothes that are an ingenious mix of fashion and functionality. Basically, it's stylish athletic wear that looks nothing like athletic wear. I picked up a few pieces and now want everything else. Locals, stay tuned for our collaborative workshop for parents and kids tentatively planned for July!

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