
Thursday, April 21, 2016

DIY Potions Station

As our kids get older and able to undertake more complicated projects, I tend to forget about how much fun they have just simply puttering around. Cami has been asking for lots of sensory play lately (not her words, but those are the activities she means) and both kids have been interested in Harry Potter again, so they asked for a Potions Station on a recent playdate. As we'd never put one of those together, I just kind of went with whatever we had at home, giving some thought to the kinds of materials that would work well together and provide some sensory fun.

Now this made a huge mess, but that's why I had them do it outside. Plus, they played with this for almost TWO HOURS. That's pretty much worth any amount of mess, IMHO. Well, maybe not any amount of mess. But certainly worth the kind that could be cleaned up with a few buckets of water. If you're looking for an easy, "use whatever you have around the house" activity, move this one to the top of your list!

In case you can't tell from the photos, our Potions Station consisted of (links to Amazon are affiliate links):
- shaving cream
- a condiment bottle of vegetable oil
- warm water
- colored water and accessories (I used our favorite liquid watercolors, plastic droppers, and a color mixer for a few of them for extra fun)
- fizzy antacid tablets
- magic grow capsules
- water beads
-  a few mythical creatures from Target's $1 bin
- fun plastic test tubes and some "science" plastic cups

I basically set everything out and refilled as necessary!


  1. Cool! What are the magig grow capsules?

  2. Hi @Doville! They are dissolving capsules that grow little sponge "animals" -- our kids love them!

  3. Thanks! Where can we buy them? We live in France and I have never seen anything like that...

  4. @Dovile you can buy them by clicking on the Amazon link in the post -- just hover over the magic grow capsule writing and you can click through.
