
Friday, March 4, 2016

The Friday Five!

I think it's the drastic shifts in weather, but everyone has been so cranky this week. We haven't spent a lot of together time creating things like we usually do. And getting everyone to read has felt like a chore. But I have had some seriously successful new dinners (balanced out by the total lack of desire to cook a few evenings) and learned a new game. But, we also had a spectacular Pinterest fail craft one day too. And two days off of school for conferences. The glass of wine I allow myself on the weekend still seems sooooo far away ....

Cooking -- I'll start with cooking this week since it was sort of the highlight of our Friday Five categories. It's likely because both kids are going through growth spurts, but they have been not only eating their dinner happily most evenings, but devouring second and third helpings. Seriously. One evening they ate so much that there was literally nothing left for Joel to eat by the time he made it home. And forget lunch leftovers. But I'll take it over the kiddo whining and lack of eating we all experience sometimes. This Cilantro Grilled Lime Chicken (I used chicken breasts) was probably the fave.

Making -- We tried to make this Cucumber Mint Sugar Scrub on a playdate and it was a colossal fail.  We were going for St. Patrick's Day colors and ended up with something that looked a whole lot like poop. I have no idea how one would follow the directions and end up with that picture, but it didn't happen up in our house. I have a few ideas on how to rectify the recipe though, so stay tuned ....

Wanting -- Want to hear some crazy talk? Just a year in at our new house and Joel and I were batting around the idea of moving again. It won't happen any time soon, but we pretended like that was a realistic thing to discuss. One area I know we do need to address still at the house are the outdoor decks. I have a list of things we need to get, but since we're operating outside of reality, how about I snag this fabulous umbrella for which I have absolutely no need. Actually, why stop there. Let's go full on Delano hotel and grab the loungers and cabanas too. We'll put it all around our pretend pool.

Reading -- I'm still on my same reads and we basically are with the kids, too. We've been spending more time having them read short books to us at night, so I don't have much news here. We do really like The Island of Dr. Libris we started at the end of last week though and the kids are looking forward to starting the next in James Patterson's Treasure Hunters' series.

Playing -- It's a little complicated, especially for kiddos under 8 years old, but we've been loving Sushi Go! this week. Even if Cam can't do all the multiplication, the game is color coordinated and logical enough that she gets the gist of it and can play her own hand.

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