
Friday, January 15, 2016

The Friday Five!

I can't believe it's Friday! I feel like I was just writing out my week's to-do lists. Yes, multiple lists. I'm on mission to go back through every room, closet, and cupboard in the house and clean. it. out. No one seems to be as excited about this as me. Much to the kids' dismay, I spent the bulk of my "free time" this week wading through their rooms. Pulling out clothes, toys, and books they no longer use, and packing them up to save or boxing up for donation. They at least seem on board with my idea that nothing new from the holidays can stay unless an equal amount of things go out. So I'm taking advantage of the opportunity! Here's what else we've been up to this week ....

Cooking -- The whole fam has been loving this Mediterranean Chicken Skillet. It's an incredibly quick weeknight meal and I find that the kids don't even fuss about all the veggies.

Reading -- We're still working out way through our respective chapter books, but I'm on the constant hunt for new recipes and loving Jamie Oliver's Everyday Superfood. I have to adapt the recipes a bit for paleo, but there's still plenty of good finds. The kids picked out all new audiobooks at the library and wanted to start with this Sherlock Files book. But after several sleepless nights, children in our bed, and plenty of of nightmares, I put the kibosh on that one. We're on to a much milder story about a Night Fairy.

Making -- I've obviously been cooking a lot lately and Cam has been sitting at the kitchen counter cooking up her own doodles. I am so in love with Herve Tullet's Doodle Book -- it has the best creative prompts and almost every exercise ends in such beautiful art.

Wanting -- I've been obsessed with Hedley and Bennett aprons for quite awhile, but they kept coming up with new and fabulous collaborations, I couldn't decide! I think this one inspired by Clare Vivier is finally it.

Playing -- We've had the Timeline game for a while, but the kids have really been getting into it lately. It's a really clever way to help everyone chronologically organize historical events, but the fact that it doesn't have any descriptive information about them (and some are really random) drives me nuts. Oh well, we just google a lot.

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