
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Project 52 -- Week 52!! (And a New Weekly Photo Challenge)

We did it! I successfully took a photo of the kids every week for this entire year. There were plenty of times I forgot until post day, but we pulled it off. And looking back over all the photos, I'm so glad I did. The changes in the kids are subtle, but I see them. And I also see so, so much love. And happiness. And silliness. All between those two yahoos. They have plenty of not-so-friendly sibling moments, but I think these photos show that when you get down to it, they know how lucky they are to have each other.

This year's Project 52 was less of an actual photography challenge for me and more of a documentary of the kids. But I loved the results so much that I wanted to do a slightly different challenge for 2016. I'm no professional photographer, but I do enjoy trying new things so I put together a sort of themed list for each week (below this year's photos). My plan is to try and take a photo fitting each idea that also includes the kids, but we'll see how it goes. Anyone want to join me?! You can interpret it any way you want -- let me know ....

And Happy New Year!!


  1. Your Blog has been Inspirational and Fun - a Great Combo! I'm game for the 2016 challenge!
    Happy New Year!

    1. Awesome! I post each week on Thursdays. Happy to link to you then too!

    2. is my first introductory post...
