
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Day in the Life (August 2015)

July was such a cluster that we couldn't get it together to photograph our 12-in-12. I don't know that August has been much better so far, but I did manage to take our photos this month. This was the kids last week of camp and I think everyone was glad for it. They did a morning soccer camp, which they LOVED but basically made me run around like a madwoman in between drop-off and pickup. But it was nice to have the afternoons back together.

7.20 am -- real coffee with real milk (yes to the end of no dairy for a while!). 

8.10 am -- the kiddos get ready for soccer camp. Kane sings a super annoying song and Cam is appropriately annoyed.

9.05 am -- so. much. laundry. in the summer. 

10 am -- I've recently started going to [solidcore] and am totally obsessed. It's an insanely intense full body workout during which every single part of you sweats -- mostly because your entire body is crying, I think. I feel like I'm going to die every single class and as soon as it's over I want to go back. 

11 am -- I briefly think about making more frozen chalk pops, but leave the leftover paint for another day. 

12 pm -- Kane doesn't feel well at lunch so Cam tells him to take a nap on her. The sweetest (sometimes). 

3 pm -- buying peach lemonade at the Georgetown Farmer's Market post park playdate.

4.25 pm -- the twice-weekly LEGO cleanup begins. 

5 pm -- Cam and I start her packing for our big trip. So hard to explain why we can't bring all. the. things.

6 pm -- we've finally cleaned up one toy, so time to get another out. 

7 pm -- wine and Bourdain while making dinner. 

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