
Monday, April 20, 2015

Watermelon Chia Agua Fresca

The warm weather has finally arrived in D.C. and we've been dreaming up activities in anticipation of summer! High up on the kids' list is a "fancy" drink stand, complete with special lemonade and a selection of agua frescas (a deliciously thrist-quenching Mexican drink we often purchase from our local farmer's market). To get ready, we've been trying out several different recipes and I think we found a hit: Watermelon Chia Agua Fresca!

It's super simple to make (much, much easier than home-squeezed lemonade, I might add) and very healthy (especially with our addition of protein-packed chia seeds). The kids loved mixing up a huge batch of this delish drink. And it didn't hurt that pals at Munchkin helped us out with sets of bright, festive tableware for our little chefs to use in the process. The partitioned Lil Apple plates were perfect to hold the juicy fruits while the kids cut them up (watermelon is an excellent fruit on which littles can practice their cutting skills!) and the Stay Put Suction Bowl did just that as the kids worked hard to squeeze the limes.

Here's what you'll need to make your own:
- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 mini seedless watermelon
- 1 cup water
- 2 limes
- 1 tbsp agave nectar

Cover the chia seeds with a few inches of water and let them soak for a few hours. Depending on how savvy your kids' knife skills are, have them help cut up the watermelon (I cut off the rind first). Squeeze the juice from two limes. Blend watermelon chunks, water, lime juice, and agave nectar in blender until well-mixed. Strain mixture through fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth.

Once the chia seeds are ready, have kids scoop a bit into the bottom of their cup (we love the size of Munchkin's Multi Cups for tasting new drinks -- they fit the perfect amount to make sure the kids like the drink without wasting it). Give the seeds a few minutes to soak up the agua fresca, stir well, and bottoms up!

This post is brought to you by Munchkin, but all content and opinions are my own. Munchkin rids the world of the mundane by developing clever, innovative solutions that make family life safer, easier, and more fun. You can find Munchkin products at Munchkin.comTarget
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