
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Day in the Life (February 2015)

February 12th was a pretty typical day this month. We finally move tomorrow (YAY!!!), so I spent a lot of the day at the new house overseeing (read: micromanaging within an inch of my sanity) the small amount of work we had done there while trying to get some actual work done. Please, if we ever should decide to move again and, say, build an entire house from scratch or gut an existing house, just punch me right in the face. You'd really be doing me a solid.

Don't forget to see what No Monsters in My Bed and Where the Watermelons Grow had going down last week!

6.59 am -- with almost everything else packed up, Kane spends his pre-breakfast time drawing plans for something or other.

7.30 am -- a little morning dancing.

8.40 am -- by the time we get Cam to school, some snow flurries are starting to fall and Cam is very, very excited.

9.20 am -- inexplicable traffic back to the new house and the "snow" turns to rain. 

10.00 am -- it's hard to pick just one favorite thing about our new place, but this wall might be it. Its installation, however, has been the bane of my existence. Like I tell my kids daily, "you're lucky you're cute."

11.45 am -- I take a break from micromanaging to get a little writing done in what will be my new office.

12.45 pm -- even sad leftover bolognese tastes delish with my long-coveted gold flatware.

1.15 pm -- back to unpacking. I love getting to sort through all the things we received as wedding presents in the middle of the day.

3.45 pm -- Cam gets some iPad time after school while I continue to pack. And pack. And pack.

4.15 pm -- somehow Cami ended up with more toys left unpacked so Kane heads to her room for a while.

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