
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Day in the Life (January 2015)

January 12th was a pretty typical day for us. If you count typical dealing with "rain delays" (seriously) for the kids' schools, squeezing writing in between trying to pack up one house and plan another, and preparing the kids to interview their favorite radio host. That's how it's going lately. One random packed day after another. In fact, the tail end of the day got away from me a bit, so I didn't quite fit in 12 photos. After you've checked out our Monday, see what No Monsters in My Bed and Where the Watermelons Grow had goin' on!

7.45 am -- I pretty much go to sleep at night thinking about the coffee I'm going to get to have the next morning.

8.15 am -- I binge-listened to Serial after holding out until it seemed like every single last person had listened to it. Then Joel decided to get on board, too. So I downloaded it for his morning commute.

9.35 am -- Both kids had two-hour delayed starts. We hung in the parking lot at Kane's school, listening to an audiobook and waiting for school to open!

10.45 am -- I gave Kane a piggy-back ride over the weekend and completely hurt my back, which means: 1. he's getting huge; and 2. I need this house move to be over so I can get myself back to the gym. I set up with a heating pad to get some writing in.

11.55 am -- A "putting away laundry break." Kane has become quite the collector of things, especially from travel. He puts them in the funniest arrangements.

12.05 pm -- I write through lunch with tomato soup + hummus toast. Still raining.

1.40 pm -- I pack up everything we need to go to Kane's lacrosse practice. Ridiculous.

2.25 pm -- Cam loves an umbrella and, therefore, is the only one of us who is excited about the weather that day. I scoop her from school and then we head to get Kane.

3.45 pm -- Intently doing workbooks during Kane's practice.

4.40 pm -- We don't always get a chance to watch Kane play, so getting to check out his scrimmage was a treat!

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