I love, love The Phillips Collection. Which is why it saddens me so that it persists in being one of the least kid-friendly art museums to which I've ever taken our kids. Ever. Yes, they have an amazing children's exploration activity packet. And yes kids are free. But is it entirely necessary to imply that I need to hold the hand of my incredibly well-behaved four-year-old right off the bat? Like before I even step foot on the exhibit floor? And the haughty looks and, I'm sorry, did I just see you literally recoil from my child who is quietly walking around? No lie. Cameron is most certainly better behaved than me (especially once you tick me off). She speaks more quietly and with far less curse words. She will sit and look at art carefully and she even tantrums with less fanfare than me. And guess what? It's not because you follow her around with a glaring eye. It's because she's her and she's been to 8,567 museums (exact total) and knows how to behave. She has her moments, but yesterday was not one of them. (I could kind of understand the stalking guards when she was 2 1/2, how fab was that bow shirt, btw, but this just seemed a little ridiculous).
But I digress. Cam and I somehow managed not to F anything up and had a lovely little morning checking out the new Neo-Impressionism exhibit at The Phillips. She was very into the idea of pointillism and loved the colors -- I see an art project of the sort in our future! And we took our time with the self-portrait app where, I will admit, the docent didn't bat at an eye at us playing for a while. We poked around some of our other favorite spots at the Collection (because, as I mentioned, this wasn't our first time at the rodeo) and loved spotting Bernardi Roig's sculptures placed throughout. I think both are definitely worth a visit. There are no photos allowed in the special exhibit, but I included a few of two troublemakers on the loose.
And we'll be back. Because we don't care about the stares, we just like art.
The Neo-Impressionism exhibit is at The Phillips Collection until January 11, 2015 and you can find the Roig sculptures there until March 8, 2015.
The Phillips Collection is on our list of Art museums to visit this winter. I might need to rethink this trip. I can't handle being stalked. Especially since my 5 year old loves to talk about what she is looking at.
Don't rethink, Margaret! It's an awesome museum and they should get used to kids visiting!