
Monday, June 17, 2013

Fly Away: June in New Jersey

When things get busy, mom's head tends to resort quickly to triage mode. Whatever doesn't need immediate tending to gets filed away in a mental pile somewhere. So neither Cam or I were really surprised when mom realized a few weeks ago that school was ending several days earlier than she thought. Which also meant that our June trip to New Jersey was right upon us. Not to worry -- unlike mom's lack of preparedness for the end of the school year, we have packing for the shore down to a science. Everything has its place and we all do our parts. Cam and I make sure we have our loveys and books and every single bathing suit we own. Mom takes care of the rest. Sounds fair, right?

The Greens usually convene on the east coast at Nona's house for July 4th, but this year a few of our family members are going to be traveling elsewhere and this June trip also happened to fall on mom's birthday and Father's Day. So we decided to do it up right and all get together a little earlier this year. Things didn't go exactly as planned. The weather was bizarre. It was either a perfect beach day or a monsoon. Daddy was traveling for work and was routed and rerouted all across the country. We had to modify the Green Family Olympics. Daddy eventually made it with a few hours of mommy's birthday left. BUT, in the end, we had a fabulous week full of family, friends and beach, beach, beach.

We even made it home last night with just enough time for mom to fill out our forms and scrounge together sunscreen for camp. Which starts today, obvi.

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