Daddy used to live in this 'hood back in college where his house was the frequent recipient of neighbor complaints (and mom would so be the complainer now -- including calling the school directly to avoid dealing with college kids). And he used to spend many weekend mornings crawling up to the nearby Pumpernickel's Deli for a greasy (in the best way possible) bagel sandwich. So we decided to do just that. Kane fell asleep in the car on the way and remained asleep on mom's lap throughout lunch. He looked vaguely similar to the college boys at the next table nursing their headaches -- they looked like they needed their moms, too. It was DELISH.
dora bike! (if it's pink or purple, it's dora to me)
hold on!
grilled cheese, pizza, fries, and chips? a carb dream (and a freshman 15)
Kane sleeping on mom's lap
Actually that was my first time at Forest Hills - and Shannoh had picked it - so it wasn't really our idea! We do love, love that Pumpernickels thought - when we are trying to get our grease on - in the best way! Stay cool Kane & Cami!