We were looking for: a nest; a bird; an insect; a mammal; a budding tree; yellow flowers; white flowers; purple flowers; something brown; something green; something dirty; and something pink.
We spied something dirty right off the bat -- I found dirt. The different colored flowers were relatively easy to find as was something brown, something green and something pink. More difficult was finding a nest, a mammal and a budding tree. See our pictures below for what we eventually determined counted as finds.
It took us about an hour to find all these things just within a few blocks of our house -- we were somewhat hampered by mom's insistence that we not run and that we all stick together ("we live in a busy neighborhood," and yada yada yada). And I insisted several times that we stop and take a "rest" on people's stoops. We eventually crossed everything off our list and hit up Starbucks for a well deserved chocolate (Cami) and vanilla (me) milk break.
And throughout all that time we spent searching for "nature" in our 'hood, mom tried to explain that "nature" is not "people made." I am of the philosophy that things are what I say they are and so I decided that there could be "people made nature," which meant I tried to cross things off the list quickly by pointing to a pink lip gloss, a yellow school bus, etc. This led mom to two conclusions: (1) she still can't fight with crazy; and (2) an "Urban I Spy" might be more appropriate (and less time consuming) in our neighborhood. So she came up with our own "Urban I Spy" (google docs link below -- mom is too tired to figure out how to use it as an incentive to get people to "like" our FB page, so if you haven't already, just go "like" it please). It's likely most applicable to our particular 'hood of D.C., but you get the idea. Enjoy!
Link to Google Docs for Not-So-SAHM Urban I Spy! And be cool, man. Feel free to use these personally, but they aren't for commercial use (you wouldn't profit off the hard work of little kids, would you? our mom's a lawyer, you know ....)
our cards courtesy of Spell Out Loud
nature i spy? whatch you talkin' about?
this is something green, white flowers, yellow flowers and there was a bee in there, too
a lion statue! that could be our mammal ....
pink flowers
purple flowers
stoop break
come on, Kane!
OK, another break
she finally got me to hold her hand
so i went big and gave her a hug
a bird, mom!
i decided the animal at the top was a dolphin and that it counted as our mammal. mom decided that even though it might not be a dolphin and it wasn't real, since i knew a dolphin was a mammal, she'd count it
this stick is totally on our list
we decided this cherry tree branch counted as a budding tree
real birds, but they were 'hood birds involved in a dispute, so we didn't want to get too close
a little ant hill -- this was our "nest"
starbucks break!
whenever we walk by this spot near our house, i insist on getting in the bushes and
make mom take a picture
thank you for the urban cards! i really needed something this morning to make me laugh out loud!