Friday, May 11, 2012
And I am the Rain King: Georgetown Waterfront Park
One of our new favorite weekend breakfast spots has become La Madeleine in Georgetown. It's not close to our house, but it's close(ish) to daddy's office and we frequently have errands to run in that 'hood on the weekend. On a recent rainy morning we hit it up early and walked down to the Georgetown Waterfront Park after. We knew that there had been a lot of work done on the waterfront recently and wanted to check it out, but once we saw the water feature, we didn't make it much further. Despite the fact that Kane was in his Superman jammies and I was freezing in my bee dress that I had insisted on wearing (although my rain coat kept me a little dry), Kane and I ran through and jumped and splashed in the fountain of sorts for at least 20 minutes. Most passerbys glared at mom and dad like "isn't it a little chilly for that?" But it was 9 a.m., about to rain, and our 'rents were already tired. So they figured what the H. They finally dragged us out when it really started to rain and we had to hightail it home. But we'll be back in our swimsuits this summer!
This looks great - can't wait to check it out. (Btw, I would've said "what the h" too!)