
Monday, April 16, 2012

We Outta Here Baby!: Nats Game

Can you BELIEVE this weather we're having?  We can't get enough.  Yesterday we got sunscreened up and went to see some Nats ball (too bad mom forgot her own sunscreen -- she has a sweet scoop neck shirt burn).  Whether or not we are going to behave ourselves at sporting events is always a gamble.  You can usually count on us behaving through the first bag of peanuts (we both LOVE peanuts), but beyond that is really anyone's guess.  This beautiful Sunday we scored some good outfield seats close to the field and we both had absurdly good behavior for 4 1/2 innings.  Then it was kind of a nightmare -- we didn't make it to running the bases (which the Nats do at the end of every Sunday homegame).  But given that Cami skipped her nap and, well, I am me, it was pretty good.  Highlights included seeing the Nats Presidents (GW especially) and ice cream in a helmet.  We heart baseball season.

If you are thinking of getting in on some spring baseball, check out KidFriendly DC's nice review of some current Nats deals.

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